I study how information and public opinion affect policymaking, especially during periods of crisis.
My research agenda encompasses climate change politics, disaster risk reduction, human mobility and crisis, information and public opinion, information and public health, the international politics of disasters, research design in public diplomacy, and research methods.
R. Joseph Huddleston, Thomas Jamieson and Patrick James, eds. 2022. Handbook of Research Methods in International Relations. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Drawing together international experts on research methods in International Relations (IR), this Handbook answers the complex practical questions for those approaching a new research topic for the first time. Innovative in its approach, it considers the art of IR research as well as the science, offering diverse perspectives on current research methods and emerging developments in the field.
Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle. 2022. That Could Be Us: News Media, Politics, and the Necessary Conditions for Disaster Risk Reduction. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
In That Could Be Us, we find that the news media delivers information to observing communities in a form that enables learning from other disasters. Experimental evidence shows that people react to this information in a way that would punish leaders who do not back DRR efforts. Case studies, interviews, experiments, and illustrative examples suggest that leaders and political entrepreneurs heed this public demand, react to news media coverage, and act accordingly. Taken as a whole, this suggests that the policy and research implications derived from this book's theoretical model are worthy of further exploration, particularly in terms of how they might resolve the puzzle presented by the variations in DRR policy uptake around the world that do not seem to be driven by developmental differences across communities.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Nicholas Weller and Thomas Jamieson. "Correcting Myopia: Effect of Information Provision on Support for Preparedness Policy." Political Research Quarterly, forthcoming.
Reyna L. Reyes-Núñez and Thomas Jamieson. 2023. "Who Prepares? Seismic Risk, Household Income, and Individual Disaster Preparedness in California." Emergency Management Science and Technology 3: 13.
Laura Brisbane, Whitney Hua, and Thomas Jamieson. 2023. “Morality and the Glass Ceiling: How Elite Rhetoric Reflects Gendered Strategies and Perspectives.” Politics & Gender 19(3): 806-840.
Hans M. Louis-Charles, Amidu Kalokoh, Jose M. Torres, and Thomas Jamieson. 2023. “Emergency Management and the Final Frontier: Preparing Local Communities for Falling Space Debris.” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 14(3): 247-266.
Whitney Hua and Thomas Jamieson. 2023. “Whose Lives Matter? Race, Public Opinion, and Military Conflict.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 11(4): 710-732.
Thomas Jamieson and Hans M. Louis-Charles. 2023. “Lobbying and Emergency Management in the United States: Issues, Priorities, and Implications.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 31(2): 300-307.
Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle. 2023. “Resilience-Focused Journalism: The Motivations, Tactics, and Impact of the Los Angeles Times Coverage of Earthquake Risk.” Environmental Communication 17(2): 157-171.
Reyna L. Reyes-Núñez, Felipe Blanco, Jodi Benenson, Juve J. Cortés-Rivera, Bárbara Gómez-Aguiñaga, Nuri Heckler, Thomas Jamieson, and Njoki Mwarumba. 2023. “Building Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity into Graduate Student Coauthorship.” PS: Political Science & Politics 56(1): 189-192.
Jodi Benenson, Tara Kolar Bryan, Carol Ebdon, Theresa Glanz, James Harrold, Thomas Jamieson, and Njoki Mwarumba. 2022. “Uncertainty and Unrest: A Collaborative Pedagogical Response to Pandemics, Protests, and Policy.” Journal of Public Affairs Education 28(3): 269-289.
Thomas Jamieson and Juve J. Cortés-Rivera. 2022. “Our Issue or Their Issue? Media Coverage and Framing of the Zika Virus Epidemic.” Disasters 46(3): 677-699.
Thomas Jamieson, Dakota Caldwell, Bárbara Gómez-Aguiñaga, and Cristián Doña-Reveco. 2021. “Race, Ethnicity, Nativity, and Perceptions of Health Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(21): 11113.
Douglas A. Van Belle and Thomas Jamieson. 2020. “Imperial Pandemicide.” Social Science Quarterly 101(5): 1995-2000.
Thomas Jamieson and Nicholas Weller. 2020. “The Effects of Certain and Uncertain Incentives on Effort and Knowledge Accuracy.” Journal of Experimental Political Science 7(3): 218-231.
Thomas Jamieson. 2020. “‘Go Hard, Go Early’: Preliminary Lessons from New Zealand’s Response to COVID-19.” The American Review of Public Administration 50(6-7): 598-605.
Juve J. Cortés-Rivera and Thomas Jamieson. 2020. “Incorporating Research Design in Public Diplomacy: The Role of Listening to Foreign Publics.” International Journal of Communication 14: 1214-1231.
Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle. 2019. “How Development Affects News Media Coverage of Earthquakes: Implications for Disaster Risk Reduction in Observing Communities.” Sustainability 11(7): 1970.
Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle. 2018. “Agenda Setting, Localisation and the Third-Person Effect: An Experimental Study of When News Content Will Directly Influence Public Demands for Policy Change.” Political Science 70(1): 58-91.
Thomas Jamieson. 2016. “Disastrous Measures: Conceptualizing and Measuring Disaster Risk Reduction.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 19: 399-412.
Book Chapters
R. Joseph Huddleston, Thomas Jamieson and Patrick James. 2022. "International Relations as Interdisciplinary Research." In Handbook of Research Methods in International Relations, edited by R. Joseph Huddleston, Thomas Jamieson, and Patrick James, 1-5. Cheltenham; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Thomas Jamieson. 2019. "Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk for Experiments on Public Opinion about Public Policy." SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2.
Thomas Jamieson. 2018. "Securitization Theory: Toward a Replicable Framework for Analysis." In Constructivism Reconsidered: Past, Present, and Future, edited by Mariano E. Bertucci, Jarrod Hayes, and Patrick James, 155-180. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Other Publication
Thomas Jamieson and Güez Salinas. 2018. "Protecting Human Subjects in the Digital Age: Issues and Best Practices of Data Protection." Survey Practice 11(2): 1-9.